索取示範First-ever app to combine learning and fitness via cutting-edge AI motion technology that provides children an immersive, interactive learning experience.
The World Health Organization recommends 60 minutes of daily exercise, yet kids worldwide are falling short of that goal.
So, by using cutting-edge motion capture technology, Luca & Friends provides a unique environment where kids can genuinely engage in learning while moving and having fun.
The World Health Organization recommends 60 minutes of daily exercise, yet kids worldwide are falling short of that goal.
So, by using cutting-edge motion capture technology, Luca & Friends provides a unique environment where kids can genuinely engage in learning while moving and having fun.
We are always in a constant state of growth with new challenges and content in development and have an open line of communication. So, if you’re a parent or teacher who wishes to add new features to the app, write to us!
With three categories—English, STEM, and Fitness—Luca & Friends has a range of challenges based on what your child is actually learning at school.
Luca & Friends’ challenges incorporate active learning with unique tasks of problem-solving. This plays an essential part in their brain development, but it is also a key ingredient for positive mental health.
- 即使空間細小而有限,也能讓你同時容納多達10人進行快樂又健康的互動體感遊戲活動!
- 特別適合場地空間缺乏的幼稚園、學校及長者中心。
- 致力提供無障礙的遊戲體驗:讓長者或輪椅人士也享受群體遊戲的樂趣。
1/ 革命性的體驗:
- GOFA提供革命性的健樂體驗,透過創新科技和遊戲化元素,為使用者打造一個引人入勝的健樂旅程。無論是學校、行銷活動還是企業健康挑戰,GOFA都能帶來前所未有的體驗。
2/ 易於使用:
- Luca and Friends是一個專為團隊運動設計的平台,它提供了遊戲化的運動項目,只需要一個小空間就能進行。一次活動最多可以容納10人一起參與挑戰,讓運動變得更有趣且易於參與。
3/ 行銷活動/企業健康:
- GOFA是舉辦行銷活動或企業健康計劃的最佳選擇。透過遊戲化的健樂體驗,能夠吸引參與者的注意力並增強他們的參與度。GOFA為企業提供了一個有趣且有效的方式來推廣健康、增強團隊凝聚力。
索取示範Learning areas covered by Luca and Friends include English and STEM activities (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), Linked to curriculum standards by accredited teachers and trainers.Kids will be guided through interactive learning experiences by Luca and his friends, each of whom will provide the motivation and encouragement needed to reach new heights and progress through each level.
Try the app nowLearning areas covered by Luca and Friends include English and STEM activities (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), Linked to curriculum standards by accredited teachers and trainers.Kids will be guided through interactive learning experiences by Luca and his friends, each of whom will provide the motivation and encouragement needed to reach new heights and progress through each level.
When creating Luca's adventures, we made sure to craft age appropriate and engaging experiences that encourage learning through play. All of our lessons and activities have been developed alongside certified teachers to meet subject requirements alongside various National curriculums.